Minutes of the last meeting

24 February 2015

Tŷ Hywel, National Assembly for Wales




Bethan Jenkins AM (Chair)


AM for South Wales West (Plaid Cymru)

Janet Finch Saunders AM


AM for Aberconwy (Welsh Conservatives)


Mia Rees


AMSS Darren Millar


Katie Dalton (secretary)



Martin Ball



Ruth Belk



Gill Davies


CAMHS Cardiff and Vale UHB

James Downs



Robin Glaze


Tier 4 CAMHS North Wales

Menna Jones


T3 Clinical Lead Cardiff and Vale/Cwm Taf UHB

Manon Lewis


Sufferer / Beat Cymru ambassador

Gerrard McCullagh


Aneurin Bevan UHB / South Powys HB

Helen Missen



Claire O’Reilly


Cardiff and Vale UHB

Kim Palmer



Jacinta Tan


Swansea University / Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Bridget Taylor


Sufferer / Beat Cymru ambassador

Caroline Winstone


Betsi Cadwaladr UHB / WHSSC















CPGED/NAW4/13 - Welcome and apologies



Bethan Jenkins AM welcomed attendees to the meeting of the Cross Party Group on Eating Disorders.




Apologies from absent members:

  • Ewan Hilton (Gofal)
  • Michelle Bushell (Beat Cymru)




CPGED/NAW4/14 – Minutes of the last meeting



AGREED: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.



CPGED/NAW4/15 – Matters arising



DISCUSSED: Matters arising


·      CPGED/NAW4/02 - Eating Disorder Framework

ACTION: BJ to write to the Health Minister to request an update on the timescales for the ED Framework Review

UPDATE: BJ received a letter from the Health Minister dated 16 January stating that he ‘will be making a statement in relation to this soon’.


·      CPGED/NAW4/06 – Any other business

ACTION: BJ to continue to try to arrange a meeting with Tina Gambling.

UPDATE: BJ has been unable to make contact with TG. The group discussed next steps and agreed that BJ should continue to try and contact TG but should also write to the Directors of Education in each local authority and ask them to explain how eating disorder awareness is dealt with in schools within their boundaries. KD to look up current curriculum requirements and recommendations of the curriculum review and present to next CPG meeting.


·      CPGED/NAW4/10 – Discussion: Eating Disorder Services in Wales

ACTION: BJ to write to Health Committee Chair David Rees AM to highlight EDs in the review of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure.

UPDATE: BJ has written to David Rees AM. The letter and his response are in the paperwork for this meeting. The Committee’s report has been published on the National Assembly website and will be debated by Assembly Members on the 4th March.


·      CPGED/NAW4/11 – Terms of reference

ACTION: KD/MB to circulate to CPG members

UPDATE: Terms of reference were circulated to members.

Members agreed the Terms of Reference for the Cross Party Group on Eating Disorders.






BJ to write to Health Minister to request a definition of ‘soon’.


BJ to continue to try and contact TG and write to Local Authorities.

KD to look up current curriculum requirements and curriculum review.












CPGED/NAW4/16 – Annual Report and Financial Statement



KD explained that the National Assembly rules for the operation of cross party groups require each group to submit an annual report and financial statement.


The documents have been prepared and circulated with the paperwork for this meeting. KD explained that the documents outline the members of the group, attendance at each meeting, the issues discussed at each meeting and any financial contributions towards the operation of the cross party group.



The group agreed that the Annual Report and Financial Statement were an accurate reflection of the cross party group’s activities over the past year.












KD to liaise with BJ to submit the documents to the table office


CPGED/NAW4/17 – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services



BJ has asked for clarity about the review of CAMHS in questions to the Health Minister and a letter to Professor Dame Sue Bailey. The letters to and from BJ are have been circulated with the paperwork for this meeting and offer some clarity about Professor Bailey’s role. In her letter to BJ, Professor Bailey said that Sian Richards (Welsh Government Mental Health Strategy lead) would be supporting the work. The group agreed to invite Sian Richards to attend the next meeting to discuss the improvement work with members.

JFS commented on the sharp increase in concerns that have been raised with her in her capacity as a constituency Assembly Member.

CW offered further clarification, stating that the work will be an improvement plan rather than a review. There is some excellent practice that shouldn’t be dismantled but there also needs to be improvements.

JFS questioned whether CAMHS is best placed to sit with children’s services or mental health services.

CW explained that each health board decides which option is most appropriate for their service.

HM questioned whether there was a timeframe for the improvement plan.

CW explained that the work will be launched on the 26th February at a stakeholder event that will be attended by local authorities, health boards, third sector, service users, carers and Assembly Members. The timescale is expected to take shape as a result of discussions at this event. The work aims to take a multi-agency approach and have service users at the heart of the discussions.

Several people questioned whether twelve days of Professor Bailey’s time was sufficient for this piece of work.

CW pointed out that we have a number of experts in Wales who will also be contributing to the improvement plan.

RG raised concerns about specialist CAMHS being criticised unfairly and said that the consultation about service improvement needs to be inclusive. Referrals to specialist CAMHS have increased but resources haven’t. The investment has gone into general CAMHS. The workforce is experiencing low morale while trying to keep up with demand with little resource.

BJ commented that the improvement work needs to look at whether all of the referrals to specialist CAMHS are appropriate or whether children and young people could be receiving support elsewhere.









BJ/KD to invite SR to the next meeting

CPGED/NAW4/18 – Key issues and priorities for eating disorder services in Wales



KD explained that the attached paper had been written following the in-depth discussion at the last meeting. Every effort had been made to capture the points that people had made at the meeting and in email feedback since the draft paper was circulated electronically. KD thanked members for their contributions and said that it was a good example of service users, carers, third sector, health professionals and politicians working together to agree shared aims for eating disorder services in Wales.

Various members of the group commented that they were very happy with the paper and felt that is was a good reflection of the points raised by members at the last meeting.

KD asked whether people had any further comments or ideas for additions or amendments to the paper.

ML said that she was very happy with paper and felt it captured the issues raised by members very well. Although she welcomed the focus on early intervention she felt that it could be strengthened by including reference to supporting people who have been suffering from an eating disorder for a long time. Key issues were low self-esteem, becoming institutionalised as an in-patient, gaps in people’s education and difficulty in accessing employment.

BT agreed with ML and said that this was an important issue. Lack of support can trigger re-lapse and have a devastating impact on individuals and the economy.

HM said that carers (and families) are also important. Disparities in primary care can lead to people falling through the system but carers can identify when people are getting ill. People need to be able to access quick referrals back into services otherwise people get stuck and lives are wasted.

KD mentioned Part 3 of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure which is supposed to support timely access back into secondary services if someone thinks that their mental health is deteriorating.

JT talked about the existing framework being built on acute intervention and that it doesn’t view eating disorders as chronic. As a result, teams do not have the infrastructure in place to deal with it. There needs to be better provision of services such as supported accommodation and day patient services in order to support people in their recovery and independence.

JD said that support for people with eating disorders should be centred around hope, aspiration and recovery.

GD talked about the importance of different parts of the health service working together and gave the example of the CAMHS team inviting paediatricians to work with them. Close working and dedicated paediatric time in specialist ED elements of CAMHS was a positive move that enabled better integration and support for patients.


KD agreed to incorporate these additional points into the ‘key priorities’ paper and circulate before the next meeting.

















































KD to amend document

CPGED/NAW4/19 – Update: Beat Cymru



KD updated the group on the future of Beat’s work in Wales and explained that Beat has provided the following statement:


Unfortunately the funding for the partnership work between Beat and Gofal in Wales will finish at the end of February 2015. As a result, we are unable to continue with a Beat Cymru Project Development Officer post and Wales-specific work after this date. 


Our future work in Wales is dependent upon acquiring further funding and we are currently exploring avenues for achieving this. Both Beat and Gofal are working hard to build on the good foundations that we have established and we will continue to work together to raise awareness and support the improvement of eating disorder services across Wales:


·     Gofal will continue to support the Cross Party Group on Eating Disorders, liaising with Beat when appropriate.

·     Beat will continue to support anyone affected by eating disorders, or difficulties with food, weight and shape.  This includes the helplines, support groups and online services, professional training, and participation in research.

·     The current peer support groups in Wales will become part of the wider Beat support group network from 1st March and the Network Support Officer, Emilie Ruddick, will be your point of contact at the Norwich office. 


We would like to thank everyone for their support over the past 6 years, especially our volunteers and ambassadors. We hope to secure the funds to re-establish our presence in Wales in the future.


KD explained that Gofal were committed to supporting the cross party group on eating disorders and would take over responsibilities as the secretariat for the group.

Various members thanked Gofal for the continued support and questioned whether Gofal could continue to play an active role in eating disorder services and research in the future.

KD said that Gofal was keen to support service uses, carers and the sector but resources would need to be considered. KD advised members to contact Gofal with any specific invitations or requests.